useGlobals is a hook that returns the Globals object, which is the shared object dictionary between React and C# sides.

const globals = useGlobals();

The hook will rerender the component it is used in when the Globals object changes in either side. Although the Globals object can be accessed directly, this hook is the recommended way to access it on React components.

import { useGlobals } from '@reactunity/renderer';

Globals.testCount = 0;

function ForeignComponent() {
  return <button onClick={() => Globals.testCount++}>
    Increase count

function HookGlobalsUser() {
  const globals = useGlobals();

  return <text>
    Count with hook is: {globals.testCount}

function StaticGlobalsUser() {
  return <text>
    Count without hook is: {Globals.testCount}

export default function App() {
  return <>
    <ForeignComponent />
    <HookGlobalsUser />
    <StaticGlobalsUser />

In the example, it can be seen that when Globals is used without hook, changes to it will not cause a rerender and UI may be out of sync with its state.